Harley Wang


Technical discuss & life Note-taking.

100 小词走天下(学习笔记)

Day1 一 100 小词走天下之小词 break

一. break (打破,失约,休息)

  • Peter broke his leg when playing basketball.
  • Would you break this dollar bill for me?
  1. Break the new to someone 把负面消息告诉别人

    例: Peter’s mother just died in the hospital. How can we break the news to him.

    例:I could imagine how pissed you are when she broke the news to you.

    例:I just accidently broke the news of her husband cheating on her to Laura.

  2. Break up

    1). break up with someone 和某人分手

    例: I broke up with him because he never cared about me.

    例: Have you seen Peter since you two broke up?

    例: l’ m breaking up with you.

    2). breaking up 表示声音断断续续 (进行时)

    例:You’re breaking up. Call me again.

    例: I can’t hear you well. You’re breaking up.

  3. break even 不赔钱不赚钱 (even:表示偶数)

    例:We broke even last year. It’s not that good compared to my friend’s companiy. But it’s not that bad for a first-year company either.

    例:We didn’t sell enough products to break even. ( to cover the cost )

  4. break one’s heart 让某人失望,让某人伤心

    例:You broke my heart. Don’t broke my heart. Don’t go!

    例:In the course of your Iives, perhaps without any plan on your part, you will see suffering that’s going to break your heart. And when it happens, don’t turn away from it. That’s the moment that change is born.

    变体:heartbreaker n.让别人伤心的人


    1) I will do my best not to break my promise.

    2) I can’t help you on this one. You’re asking me to break the law.

    3) I broke my leg skiing last weekend.

    4) If anyone breaks the rules, he will be kicked out.

  5. something can either make or break … 有些东西既可以成就你也可以打败你…

    例:This contract can either make or break our company.

    例: It’s a tough job. It will either make or break him.

  6. lucky break ( big break ) 好运气

    例:This is my lucky break.

    例:I’ve never had a lucky break.

    例:This is the big break I’ve been waiting for.

    例:That’s a big break for him.

  7. take a break / Give me ( gimme a break ) 休息一下

  8. break into 闯入

    例:Someone broke into my house and stole my computer.

    例:There’s someone outside trying to break into my house. I have a baby by my side, and also I have a gun in my hand, can I shot him if he comes in? l won’t tell you to do that because l’m a police officer. But I think you should do that to protect your baby.

  9. be broke 穷光蛋

    例:The wedding dress was so expensive. I’m broke.

Day2 一 100 小词走天下之小词 turn

二. turn (转变, 变得, turn+年龄)

  • Go down this road and turn left, it’s on your right side. You won’t miss it.
  • The weather is starting to turn warm.
  • I will turn 18 next month.
  1. Turn on

    1) turn on something 打开

    例:It’s so boring. Go turn on the TV.

    例:I want to take a shower later. Could you help me turn on the shower sweetie?

    2) turn someone on 使某人兴奋

    例:Your dress is so sexy. It turns me on.

    例:The way you call my name really turns me on .

  2. Turn off 关闭

    例:Turn off the lights before you go to bed.

    例:Remember to turn off the tap when you finishing washing vegetables.

  3. Turn heads 回头

    My friend Laura is so hot, and she is always the center of attention. She turns heads everywhere she goes.

    She isn’t what you’d call a beauty, but there’s something about her. She is a head turner.

  4. Turn in 睡觉, 上交

    I fell exhausted. I’m gonna turn in.

    Please turn in your papers by tomorrow.

    I can tell you didn’t even read it before you turned it in.

  5. Turn + 方向

    Turn left / right

    make a left turn at the and of the road. Make a U-turn.

    They had a huge fight. Peter turned to leave, the turn back suddenly to kiss. And the they were all good again.

  6. Turn around 改变方向 / 情况有所好转

    I turned around to see who was entering the room.

    I turned around to see where it was coming from.

    They turned around and said “I’m sorry.”

    I think we’re lost. Let’s just turn around and go home.

    Things are turning around. Don’t worry.

  7. Turn the page 度过苦难的一段日子

    It’s time to turn the page.

    With his company going public, Peter might be able to turn the page.

  8. Turn + 年纪

    I’m turning 30 next month. I just turned thirty this year.

  9. Turn down

    1) 把声音调低

    例:Turn down the music, our baby is sleeping. Tell the kids to turn down the TV. It’s so annoying.

    2) 拒绝

    例:She turned me down.

    例:We turn down over 99% of our applicants.

  10. Take turns doing something 轮流做某事

    They take turns looking after Mike.

    They take turns beating me and don’t allow me to tell anyone about this, or they will beat me up again.

  11. Take a turn for the worse / better 恶化 / 好转

    My grandmother’s health has taken a turn for the worse.

  12. Turn up 到场

    I promise you I’ll turn up.

    We’ve been waiting for Jack Ma for two hours and the host just told us “We’re so sorry to tell you this, but Jack Ma won’t turn up tonight for some personal reasons”.

  13. Turn one’s back on 回避,拒绝某人

    If I turn my back on my girlfriend, she will kill me.

    Now I only turn my back for a second and she was gone.

  14. One’s turn 轮到某人了

Day3 一 100 小词走天下之小词 give part 1

三. Give part 1 给

  1. Give someone something 给某人某物

    例:Gvie me the money. == Gimme the money.

    例:Can you give me a discount? / Can you give me a discount if I pay in cash?

  2. Give someone a buzz / a call / a ring 给某人打电话

    例:Gimme a buzz when you get home. / If you have any questions, gimme a call.

  3. give someone an answer 给某人一个回复

    例:Could you give me an answer by tomorrow?

    例:Why didn’t you give me an answer to my question?

  4. give someone a hand 帮助某人,给某人搭把手

    例:Give me a hand with my homework.

    例:Would you give me a hand with this?

    例:Would you give me a hand with my English?

  5. Give someone a chance / opportunity (to do something) 给某人一个机会做某事

    例:You have to give me a chance to explain. It’s not what it looks like.

    例:Although Peter screwed it up this thie, I’ll give him another chance. I bet he’ll improve.

    例:Won’t you give me just one more chance?

  6. Give it a try / shot 试一试

    例:I’ll give it a try / shot

    例:I can’t promise you it can work. But I’ll give it a try.

  7. Give someone a ride ( home / to + 地点 ) 让某人搭车

    例:How about I give you a ride home?

    例:Get a ride with someone to + 地点

    例:Can I get a ride with you to work tomorrow?

    例:Go for a ride 去兜风

    例:I just bought a Porsche / Ferrari. You wanna go for a ride?

  8. Give someone one’s word 向某人保证

    例:I will give you my word I’ll do what I can.

    例:I will give you my word I will take really good care of her.

  9. Give someone a hard time 给某人艰难时光

    例:You’re giving me a hard time. I’ve only got 10 dollars and you ask me for 20 dollars? Where can I get the rest of the money for you?

    例:Don’t give yourself a hard time.

  10. (否定) give a damn 对某事完全不在乎 ( shit / fuck )

    例:Who do you think you are? How can you talk to me link that? I’ll quit. I don’t give a damn about this company.

    例:I don’t give a damn what you think of you.

  11. Give someone some time 给某人多少时间

    例:I can’t decide now. You’ve got to give me some time to think about it.

    例:Give her some time. She will think through.

    例:Life doesn’t give me a lot of time to waste.

    例:Please give me a few more minutes.

Day4 一 100 小词走天下之小词 give part 2

四. Give part 2 给

  1. Give away 捐赠,送给,泄露

    例:You want me to give away my book? No way.

    例:I can give money if you want, but my books? No!

    例:We all have some stuff that we used to like a lot but we won’t use it again, maybe some of us would just throw them away. Why don’t we give them away to someone who need them?

    例:I know you’re lying. Your look just gave you away.

  2. Give back 归还

    例:When will you give back my money? I came to give back your stuff.

  3. Give in 屈服

    例:I don’t want to get married so young. I’m not gonna give in to this this time.

    例:She’ll never give in to the idea that she will never get married.

    例:Why are you going on a date with Peter? He asked me so many times that I had to give in.

  4. Give off 发出(光或热)

    例:I’ ll never use your bathroom again. You know, your bathroom was giving off a terrible stink. How could you stand that?

    例:What is that terrible small? That factory is giving off a strong odor.

  5. Give up 放弃

    例:Don’t give up so easily. 不要这么轻易放弃。

    例:I giving up smoking for my health.

    例:Don’t give up on me.

  6. Give me a second. 等一下

  7. Give me a break. 你可拉倒吧

  8. Give yourself a day off. 给自己放一天假

    例:If you feel like you’re living in a rut, just give yourself a few days off, stay away from work and try your best to figure what you can do to make your life more colorful.

  9. I’ll give it five stars. 我觉得很棒

  10. Give or take. 大约

    例:I need four hours to prepare for this class, give or take.

  11. Give me five. / Give me a hug.

  12. Give someone a ballpark figure 给个大概的数字

    例:Can you give me a ballpark figure?

  13. Give an inch. 让步

    例:I won’t give an inch this time. Give someone an inch and he will take a mile.

Day5 一 100 小词走天下

五. Send

  1. send someone something

    例:I didn’t send him an invitation

    例:I should probably send a thank-you letter to her.

  2. send someone to some place. 把某人送到某地,是某人做某事( be sent to )

    例:I don’t want to send him there.

    例:She was sent to the warehouse.

  3. send someone an email. 给某人发送邮件

    例:Did you get the email I sent you the other day?

    例:I’ll send you an email later telling you about all the details.

  4. send something / someone back. 把某人送回去,把…归还

    例:Should we send them something back?

    例:I have to send it back. I can’t take this.

六. wish / hope

  1. Hope to do something. 希望做某事

    例:I hope to start my own business one day.

    例:Laura is the kind of woman I hope to marry.

  2. Hope + that 希望…

    例:I hope that we can meet up tomorrow to discuss the details.

    例:I hope I can come back again.

    例:I hope it’s not real.

    例:I hope you like it.

  3. I’m hoping + 句子 (我一定要做某事)

    例:I’m hoping if I work hard enough, I’ll get what I want.

    例:I’m hoping you’ll come to my party.

  4. I wish I could, but… 虽然很喜欢, 但…

    例:I wish I could come, but I have to work overtime tomorrow.

    例:I wish I could, but I’m so exhausted today. I think I’ll just take a rain check.

  5. I wish I had… 我希望就好啦…

    例:I wish I had done things differently.

    例:I wish I hadn’t said that.

  6. There’s hope (of)…

    例:She’s going to continue to think that there’s hope.

    例:Treatment is difficult and risky but there’s hope.

    例:I know it’s not easy. We have to put some much time, money and energy into it, but there’s hope

  7. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Day6 一 100 小词走天下

七. other

  1. Each other 彼此

    例:We will marry each other if both of us are still single when we’re 35. I am her fallback guy and she is my fallback girl.

    例:We fell like we’ve known each other forever.

    例:Peter and Laura are not suitable for each other (彼此不合适). I think they will soon part ways.

  2. live in each other’s pockets 形影不离

    例:Laura and Lucy are inseparable. They live in each other’s pockets.

    例:Being best friends doesn’t mean you have to live in each other’s pockets.

  3. meant / perfect for each other 命中注定的一双

  4. Other + 复数 ( any other + 单数 )

    例:There are plenty of (other) fish in the sea.

    例:I think we should see other people.

  5. The other night / day 前几天

    例:I met this girl the other right and we just clicked. But when I tried to ext her the next day, total radio silence.

  6. put one foot in front of the other. 按步就班的

  7. I don’t want to rush it . Let’s put one fook in front of the other.

八. new

  1. I just got a new pair of high hells, and they are giving me painful blisters.
  2. He’s new here; He’s a newbie; he’s the new kid on the block.
  3. Happy Chinese New Year.
  4. What’s new?

Day7 一 100 小词走天下

九. good

1) I’m good.



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